The Walter Joyce prequel's script is written, but I dunno if I have the motivation to actually make it. :'[
In it, Richard Robinson is driving on a long road on a very dark night when the benefactor begins talking to him through the radio. The benefactor disturbs him to the point where he wants to commit suicide, but he is unable to. I don't want to give it away, cause there's a chance I'll make it, but at this point, I really don't know. Maybe I should get some other voice actors and/or audio peoples so I don't have to worry about the microphone and so that I get more motivated with the group project mindset.
I've been asked why I don't make another comedy. For me, after I write a joke and get used to it, it loses all funniness, and I sort've lose my "confidence" in it. I dunno if you get what I mean.
I do have a really funny script I've been working on with friends though, so I might go for that. I would probably get other voice actors for that, but at least 2 characters I'd want to voice act myself.
Neither of these would be Clock movies. Come to think of it, I really haven't been terribly involved in the CC in quite some time. I should visit more. Hm.
So yeah, I'm pretty much just ranting about my uncertainty and lack of motivation at this point, so I'll just ask a question for those who want to say something: do you prefer comedies or interesting/serious flash movies?
Both comedies and serious biznatch toons are good, but I definitely prefer comedy.
On the matter of your lack of clock community involveness, you should get back on the horse before you start thinking logically.